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Bro. Patch’s Homecoming August 8, 2006

Posted by Laura in Uncategorized.

There have been some tense moments since we got our beloved kitties.  There have been pleas for help with kitties “stuck” way up high in the trees.  There have been wails when the dogs startle them and they run off.  And, there have been tears when they cannot be found.

Benjamin’s first cat disappeared and never did come home.  She was replaced with Patch, who has been a very good substitute.

But, Saturday morning, Patch did not show up for breakfast.  We looked and looked and called and called, but no Patch.  Just Coco.  Benjamin was spending the night with a friend that night, so fortunately he had other things to occupy his mind in Patch’s absence.

I have a pinched nerve in my neck that wakes me often during the night.  Each time I woke Saturday night, I prayed that there would be 2 kitties at the door Sunday morning.  When I got up, though, there was still just one on the porch looking in.

We headed off to church, and for some reason, I ended up having a conversation with a few people about our missing kitten. One of them spoke up and said, “Well, there is the cutest kitten outside the door that tried to come in several times.  Did you see that one?”  I asked her to describe it and it sounded really familiar.  I thought, “It can’t be, but I’ll look anyway.”  I went outside and called.  Patch came leaping out of the landscaping and scampered to me!


I have to just laugh that God DID answer my prayer that Patch would be at the door in the morning- He just had a different door in mind!  We have decided that since Patch likes hanging around the church, that we should amend his name- he is now Brother Patch.


Rachel’s kitten Coco is still doing well also.  I am amazed that if one of the kitties decided to leave home, that it wasn’t Coco.  I can’t believe what I look out the window and see her doing with that kitten, and he just takes it!

Two days ago, she gave him a BATH in a pan of water outside.  I’ve seen her swinging him around by only his front paws.  She carries him upside down.  She swaddles him in blankets, covering even his head, in AUGUST. This afternoon, I yelled loudly out the window, “STOP throwing your kittens into the air to do somersaults!”  WHY do the cats put up with that?!

Ignorance, tolerance, dizziness, loss of brain cells, whatever- I’m just so grateful that they have the kitties they’ve wanted so badly for so long.


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